Honingham is a small village to the south west of Norwich, just off the A47 between Easton and Dereham. There are approximately 140 properties, a pub, village hall, church, children’s play area and Bowling Green. The river Tud runs through the village. There is a strong sense of community in the village with many residents living in the village for a long time. ​​

Honingham has a rich history, one which the village is very proud of. The village hold regular events in the village celebrating its history and there is a wealth of information available to the public to read in both the village phone box and the village hall.
The Norfolk Historic Environment Record has an online database. As part of their Norfolk Heritage Explorer project they produced a page dedicated to the history of Honingham.
The Norfolk Archive also has a website dedicated to old maps. Here you can view both maps and aerial photography of Norfolk over time.
Parishioners have also produced their own records and stories of the history of Honingham.
As part of the commemorations for World War I in November 2018 a booklet was produced detailing a Roll of Honour of parishioners from Honingham who fought in the Great War between 1914-1918. Mr H.A.G. Carlisle, whose grandfather fought and died in the Great War, produced this booklet and has kindly give the Parish Council permission to share it. Copies of the booklet are also available to borrow from the village hall and the phone box. If anyone has any information on any of the parishioners remembered in the booklet, or about anyone who may not be included please email the Clerk. We would like to thank Mr Carlisle for producing this booklet and allowing the Council to share it.
The village water pump previously supplied water to some of the villagers. This was formally adopted by the Parish Council in 1935.
The Ailwyn Cup is awarded every year by the Parish Council to a parishioner who has demonstrated services to the community.
The original village hall was known as The Reading Room and built around 1889. It stood for nearly 100 years before being replaced by the village hall which currently stands off Hall Drive.
As part of the road developments in the area Environmental reports produced include many interesting facts including a summary of Cultural Heritage in and around Honingham .
Bellfolk Handbell Ringers have been in Honingham for over 40 years. The current group meets at the village hall every Thursday night between 7.45-9.45pm. They also regularly hold open sessions where non-members can go along and try bell ringing as well as performing at village events.