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Highways England - A47 North Tuddenham to Easton improvement

For more information about this scheme, please visit the A47 North Tuddenham to Easton webpage

A47 Flythrough Video

Highways England have released a video showing a flythrough of the route of the proposed dualling between North Tuddenham and Easton. This can be viewed on youtube


The Parish Council are closely monitoring progress of the dualling project and are in regular contact with Highways England. The timeline of the project is as follows:​

Date                             Event

2020                                     Statutory consultation (Feb-April 2020) - Now completed

March 2021                         Submission of Development Consent Order. 

February 2022                    Expected decision on the Development Consent Order 

January - March 2023        Expected start of building works

2024-25                               Expected completion of road

The Parish Council will share as much information as they are able as it becomes available. This will be shared via the website, Council facebook page, village noticeboards, Council meetings and minutes.​

Extract from the latest Scheme Plan (February 2020) - A47 at Honingham only

Road Constuction
Honingham Map Extract 26_2_2020
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