We do currently have vacancies on the Parish Council. If you are interested in becoming a councillor and would like some more information, please contact the clerk, or come along to one of our meetings.
Are you interested in becoming a councillor?
Do you feel passionately about protecting the village you live in?
Do you want to contribute to the community and represent community views?
Are you concerned about the local area and its future?
Do you have personal or professional skills which would benefit the council?
Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity where you will feel valued, appreciated and will work with like minded people?
Do you want to make a difference?
Parish Councillors contribute to the work of the Parish Council by working to provide;
Delivery of services
Improving the quality of life of those living in your parish
Being a democratic voice and representing the parish as a stakeholder in many local bodies or committees.
Honingham Parish Council is made up of 7 councillors who are committed to making Honingham a lovely place to live.. All current councillors will be required to be re-elected if they wish to continue on the council.
The Parish Council meets at Honingham Village Hall, at 7.00pm on the second Wednesday of the month except August. Meetings typically last for an hour and the public are welcome to attend.
How to contact us
If you are interested in becoming a councillor please contact the Parish Clerk.
If you wish to speak to a current Parish Councillor about their experiences please speak to the Parish Clerk and we will be happy to arrange this.